Saturday 28 November 2015

15 tips to be healthier without even trying

15 tips to make you healthier without even trying 

Are you feeling lazy or unmotivated when it comes to working out or eating healthy? Here are some tips to help make life a little bit easier and make you healthier without even trying hard.

1. Prepare you workout clothes the night before 

I always feel most motivated if I prepare my clothes the night before my workout. It's easier not to back out this way. Put them by the front door that way when your leaving the house you'll feel guilty if it's not for the gym. 
2. Stock up on frozen veggies and berries rather than having to remember to buy fresh ones as you need them 

I always have frozen berries and veggies in my freezer. It's so much easier than having them fresh and oh course you don't have to remember to use them before they turn into gross smelly puddles of goo in the back of your fridge.

3. Eat from small plates, bowls cup and jars to help you manage your portion sizes 

Portion control is a major issue in people's eating habits and must people don't know how much of what they are suppose to eat or what a portion of a particular type of food is. Eating from small plates will limit the amount of food you can put on it which will help you with portion control. 

It's all about tricking your eye with portions of you have a small portion on a big plate it can look like you are depriving yourself taking that same portion on a small plate and you'll think that you're eating more. 

4. Eat from colourful plates to help with portion control 

Research has shown that eating from plates that are colourful make you eat less rather than eating from a plate that contrasts your food. 

5. Prepare a box of grab to go snacks 

I find prepare a box of snacks that are food to go help to minimise eating unhealthy when you are out and about or just simply want a snack. Prepare these on a Sunday night for the week ahead. 

6. Carry a water bottle wherever you go

Hydration is key. Drinking more water can change the way you feel throughout the day. 

7. Drink a cup of black coffee before you workout. 

Drinking coffee before a workout surprisingly helps burn fat. The caffeine in coffee frees up your fat cells for your body to use energy. Also it's obviously jazzes you up a bit which makes you work harder during your workout! 

8. Eat some protein within 30 minutes of working out to help build muscle faster. 

When you workout you break down your muscle tissue. Your body therefor depends on protein to build that muscle back up. And muscle is key to boasting your metabolism. 

9. Keep your hair straightener in your gym locker

This I think is a very clever idea. It worked for me.. Obviously prob only works for girls. Maybe a select number of boys. It's basically forces you to go to the gym. OR ELSE 

10. Fill half your plate with vegetable s

For both lunch and dinner ensure you have half of your plate filled with veggies. Then always eat them first. Vegetables as most people will know are good for you for a number of reason. One reason being they are full of fibre which not everyone knows will keep you full and satisfied pretty quickly! 

11. Leave you blinds open at night so the sunlight will wake you up in the morning. 

This is particularly good if you are trying to get a workout in the morning. Definitely helped for my 6am boot camps. 

12. Put your phone on airplane mode when you go to bed 

Most of us need 8 hours sleep at night. However some of us don't always get it. Putting your phone on flight mode helps to not be woken up by dings and notifications that can serious just wait until morning. We all need our beauty sleep! 

13. Prep your lunch meals 

Preperation is key to staying on track. Preping your lunch meals the night before or even on Sunday night for the week ahead. This way in the morning you can just grab them without thinking. 

14. Set an alarm an hour before you want to be in bed to harass yourself into getting into a bedtime routine

Getting a good nights sleep is one of the most important things for your health. Having a good sleep involves a few different things. Having a regular schedule, actually getting eight hours of sleep a night, and having a peaceful uninterrupted sleep. 

15. Take a few minutes every eving to unwind 

Stress is really bad for health so it's important to take at least a few minutes every day to unwind after your day. Take a bath, do some stretches or yoga or even meditate for a few minutes. 

Until next time. 

Riadh X