Sunday 13 March 2016

5 Foods you should never eat past the expiration date.

There's nothing more annoying than going to the fridge to find your strawberries growing hairs. However there are some foods that you just shouldn't eat past the expiry date. 

It's just not worth the risk! 
As a general rule of eating foods after their 'use by' or expiration date that are fresh, unprocessed, and have been handled frequently isn't worth the risk and some are riskier than others. 

On the other hand foods with longer shelf lives that have been processed such as canned goods or pasta are ok a little bit longer past the expiration date provided that they were stored properly. 

So which foods should you avoid eating past the expiry date? 

1. Fresh Berries 

Some people have the tendency to throw berries into a smoothie once they begin to grow mold. However how safe is that really? 

Fresh berries such as blueberries, raspberries and strawberries are fiber and antioxidant rich foods but they can also carry a parasite called cyclospora. 
This can cause vomitting, diarrhea and other flu like symptoms. 
Always wash fresh berries before eating them and never eat them past the expiry date or once they start to grow mold. Freeze your berries for smoothies if you think you won't eat them in time. 

2. Leafy Greens 
Even though these may have been washed multiple times they may still carry bacteria such as E.coli because they are handled so frequently. Always wash before eating and never eat past the expiry date or once the leaves start to go soft and slimy(whichever comes first) 

3. Deli meats 
Unless the deli meats you are buying are prepackaged and in an airtight packaging the deli meats are only really going to last you about 3 to 5 days. 
Deli meat can carry listeria. This is a type of bacteria that can grow in even cold temperatures and can cause symptoms such as fevers, muscle aches and pains and diarrhea.

Don't wait for these foods to eat slimy or smelt because it might already be too late. 

4. Soft Cheeses 
Just like deli meats soft cheeses can carry listeria as well as E.coli. They can be especially dangerous if they are made with unpasteurized milk. 

Compared to harder cheeses the spoiled portions are hard to trim off. 
These should be eaten within 5 to 7 days of purchasing. 

5. Fresh Meats 
Fresh meat that is sold in stores can be contaminated with bacteria such as salmonella and E.coli.

 This can cause food borne illnesses and should be consumed by the used by date before the bacteria has time to multiply. But even before this you must make sure you cook the meats at the right temperature. This can also cause illness. 

Until next time. 
Riadh X