Saturday 26 December 2015

Fatigue Fighting Foods


Fatigue can be a major problem. Busy schedule? A full time job, running errands and trying to live a healthy life style can really take it out of you! Next time you have a busy day planned try and squeeze in some of these foods! You might just feel a difference. 

1. Bananas 
Bananas are packed with potassium, natural sugars and have plenty of vitamins and minerals. They are a great fuel for any time of day. If you have had a late night take one first thing the next morning. I gaurentee it will give you a boost. 

2. Beans 
Beans are a super high fiber food that qualifies as a protein and a complex carbohydrate. They can be easily incorporated into a side dish. Have them in a salad or pasta. 

3. Oats
Oats will transform the carbs into energy. They also have energising vitamin B. These also have a low glycemic index. This means that it will release energy but it will do it slowly and steady. Avoid instant oats though! Have a bowl for breakfast with some blueberries and honey. Or even make a protein oat bar! 

4. Spinach 
Spinach contains a high content of iron which is key for energising. Eat some spinach in a salad for lunch or personally I live to throw some into a smoothie. It definitely help you to avoid the afternoon slump. Why do you think popeye was always so full of beans? 

5. Eggs
Eggs are packed full of protein! But also they are great because they are a cheap energy food. Personally I don't like the yoke but it has a high content of vitamins B and D. Starting the day off with eggs will definitely get you through it. Try some eggs muffins or poached egg with avocado is one of my favourites. 

Hope this helped! 
Until next time 
Riadh X 

Thursday 17 December 2015

Portion Control


To control your weight, you need to do more than just choose a healthy mix of foods. You should also look at the kinds of food you eat and how much you eat at a time. Hopefully this post will help you understand how much you need to eat. It also will give you tips on how to control food portions so that you can eat just enough for you. 

Serving Vs Portion Size 

Do you know the difference? 

A serving size is the amount of food listed on a product’s food label and it varies from product to product. A portion is how much food you choose to eat at one time, whether in a restaurant, from a package, or at home. Sometimes the serving size and portion size match; sometimes they do! 

Does your plate look like this? 

Your dinner plate should contain 
1/2 fruit and vegetables 
1/4 protein eg. Meat fish or alternatives
1/4 starch eg. Rice, pasta or potato 

What is a portion? 

One adult portion of fruit or vegetables is 80g.

Small sized Fruit 
2 plums 
7 strawberries 
2 kiwis 

Medium sized Fruit 
1 apple, pear, banana or banana

Large Fresh Fruit 
1/2 a grapefruit
Slice of pineapple (5cm)
Slice of melon (5cm)

Green vegetables 
2 spears of broccoli 
4 teaspoons of kale 

Cooked vegetables
3heaped tablespoons of cooked vegetables, such as carrots, peas or sweetcorn
8 cauliflower florets 

Salad vegetables 
3 sticks of celery, 
5cm piece of cucumber
one medium tomato
7 cherry tomatoes 


200ml glass

1 match box sized piece 

1 small pot 


Rice and pasta 
1 cup full or tennis ball size portion 

2 slices of bread 

2 small potatos or 1 medium sized potato

1/3 of a cup of uncooked oats 

1 and a half cups of cereal 



1 level teaspoon. 


Eating in

  • 1.Eat slowly

  • 2. Use a smaller plate

  • 3.Fill a third of your dinner plate with vegetables or salad

  • 4.Instead of eating from a large packet, serve a single portion into a bowl.

  • 5.Freeze or chill left-overs right away so you are not tempted to go back for more

  • 6. Avoid eating while watching TV as it’s easy to overeat when you are distracted.

Hopefully you have gained some tips and information from this post about portion control. 

Until next time. Riadh X