Monday 22 February 2016

Adding some adventure and stepping out of your comfort zone.

I love adventures as any of you who knows me will understand. I love being active. However when you have a full time job you sometimes develop a comfort zone and stop doing those things. 

I recently had a week off work and decided that I need to step out of my comfort zone and try some new things as well as old. 

You are only confined by the walls you build yourself! 

Strolls on the beach 
I went home for a few days and visited Strandhill. One of my favorite places in the world. Took a stroll in the stand dunnes and watched the waves. 

I love to run and sometimes I find it hard to get motivated. However I pushed myself to go for a run in Letterkenny taking along my puppy. 

We ended up doing nearly 12km and saw some beautiful scenery along the way. The sun sayed out the whole time until we got home and sat down. Now that's a sign. 

I took up this sport in college but find it hard to get the time to do it anymore. Getting back out on the water felt amazing. Even if it only was for a flat water paddle. I had so much fun and realized what I'd been missing out on. 

Wall Climbing 

Now this is something I never actually properly done before. However I throughly enjoyed myself. I was quiet scared at first on the wall but once I got to the top I realised that I could do it. And the second time it was less scary! 

How to find your adventurous side 

Get creative with your hobbies 
Try something you never have before. Be creative and don't be afraid to do new things.  Even if you start with something small. Like taking up walkingor even painting. This will allow you to see how much you like doing new things.

Start planning your next trip or adventure. When you plan things in advance you never want to back out. And you feel more relaxed because you know exactly where and when you're going. Look up destinations that you want to visit. Weather it be the Wicklow maintains or the Grand Canyon. Once you set that plan everything will start to fall in place. 

Take a day trip 
I wouldn't exactly call this a staycation because you can stretch a day trip out of you want to. When you feel suffocated a little bit with your own life it's nice to plan a little trip away. Either pull an all nighter or get up really early and just take your camera, some snacks and yourself and just go. You never know where you might end up. 

Be Spontaneous! 

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

Until next time 
Riadh X 

Wednesday 17 February 2016

8 best things to eat after a workout

The 8 best things to eat after a workout. 

Many people struggle with what they should eat after a workout. I myself did when I first started working out. Hopefully this post will help you get some inspiration of what types of food to eat after your workout and why 

Most important thing... EAT SOMETHING 

Please don't just decide to skip eating anything after your workout. Believe me you'll do yourself more harm than good by doing this. 
Your body uses a lot of every during a workout. If you don't replenish this energy an hour or two after you workout, all your hard work may go to waste. Even a fistful of food within 15 minutes of working out goes along way. 

What happens to your body during a workout? 

During a workout, your body breaks down muscle glycogen as well as muscle protein structures. Therefore, following exercise, your body needs to replenish its energy stores and repair muscle tissue to allow for new growth. In order to do this, you’ll need to consume enough carbs to promote substantial insulin release. That’s because it’s your body’s insulin that is responsible for shuttling carbs and amino acids back into the muscles.
The sooner you start refueling, the better off you'll be. Research shows that your body's ablity to refill muscle stores decreases by 50 percent if you wait to eat just two hours after your workout compared to eating right away. Try to plan ahead and bring your recovery drink to the gym, or pack a peanut butter sandwich or a banana. 

What to eat after your workout. 

1. Eggs
Eggs contain about 6 grams of high quality protein, so high that it is used as the standard by which other foods are measured. Eggs are also a rich source of vitamins, including A, E and Kand a range of B vitamins such as B12 (energy), riboflavin and folic acid. Eggs also contain all eight essential amino acids needed for optimal muscle recovery and building valuable minerals like calcium zinc and iron.

For your dose of carbohydrates rice may do the trick but it cannot compete in no way with quinoa. Pack full of minerals and vitamins and contains far more fiber and protein than brown rice. It also takes less time to prepare. Not how could you say no! 

Bananas are high in complex carbs that you need after a workout. These fast acting carbs will restore your body's levels of glycogen which helps to rebuild your muscle. Plus they are a great source of potassium ✔️
And while you may usually avoid bananas because they're too full of sugar, eating one after a workout is just fine. 

4. Salmon 
Sure tuna is good for you, too but the canned variety is up for debate. Salmon is high in protein and omega-3s. Opt for the wild variety. Cook it with olive oil, which has the highest levels of polyphenol phytonutrients. Add red or cayenne pepper. This will help to boost your metabolism. 

Small but mighty I always say about these little blue beauties. These give your body a huge antioxidant boost and studies have shown that they can triple your recovery period after an intense workout. 

6. Nuts and fruits (dried)
You may be stuck for time and need something quick and easy. A handful or two of dried nuts or fruits will deliver a quick carbohydrates and protein fix. Especially good for building muscle are soy nuts. A half cup full contains around 34grams of protein. 

7. Sweet potatoes 
Yes this is a carbohydrate but unlike the bread basket, sweet potatoes are complex (good) carbs and are one of the most nutritious vegtable! High in fiber, protein and iron, the sweet potato helps to restore muscle glycogen for faster recovery.✔️

8. Avocado 
Packed full of potassium, calcium, folic acid, copper and fiber. Avocados are also a carotenoid-rich food which helps protect the body’s immune system, typically much lower following a workout (this is why it is essential to wash your hands following your gym visits.) 

Until next time 
Riadh X

Saturday 6 February 2016

5 High Fat Foods that are actually healthy for you

For years fat was considered a no no in the dietary world. People switched to fat free and low fat products and boycotted the eye yolk while drinking skimmed milk. However when we look closer fat isn't really our enemy. 

As an essential part of our diet fat helps with the functioning of our brain, our metabolism, our immune system and helps to stabilize our blood sugars. 

Dietary fat is a necessity in our diet and it is important to know what kind of fats are the right ones to. Knowing the difference is key to a good diet. 

There are three main types of fat 

1. Unsaturated Fats are the good kinds of fat. These fats lower your bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise your good cholesterol (HDL).

2. Saturated Fats these can also be good for you but should be eaten in moderation. 

3.Trans Fats these are also known at hydrogenated fats and should be avoided. 

Still not sure what fats to eat? 
Here I have come up with 5 healthy fats that people should try and incorporate into their diet. 

1 Avocados  

People have been scared of the fat in Avocados for years. What most people don't know is that most of the fat is monounsaturated fats which helps to lower the bad cholesterol. 

Avocados are about 77% fat, by calories, making them even higher in fat than most animal foods. 
Avocados are among the best sources of potassium in the diet, even containing 40% more potassium than bananas, a typical high potassium food.

2. Dark Chocolate 

Dark chocolate is one of those rare health foods that actually taste incredible.
It is very high in fat, with fat at around 65% of calories.
Dark chocolate is 11% fiber and contains over 50% of the RDA for iron, and magnesium. 
It is also loaded with antioxidants  , so much that it is one of the highest scoring foods tested, even outranking blueberries 
Dark chocolate does contain saturated fats but a lot of it comes from stearic acid which doesn't raise cholesterol and coverts to oleic acid, a heart healthy monounsaturated fat. 

To make the most of dark chocolate try and eat some that is 70% cocoa or higher. 

3. Eggs 

Eggs have an exceptionally bad reputation for being high in cholesterol. 

A single egg contains 212 mg of cholesterol, which is 71% of the recommended daily intake. Plus, 62% of the calories in whole eggs are from fat 
However new studies have shown that cholesterol in eggs doesn't effect the cholesterol in the blood at least not in the majority of people. 
Eggs are loaded with vitamins and minerals. 
They even contain powerful antioxidants that protect the eyes, and lots of choline, a brain nutrient that 90% of people don’t get enough of. 
The best eggs are omega-3 enriched or pastured. Just don’t throw away the yolk, that’s where almost all the nutrients are found.( even though most say that it is where all the fat is ) 

4. Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are not generally perceived at a fatty food. 

However 28grams of chia seeds actually contain 9 grams of fat. 
Chia seeds are around 80% fat. This makes them an excellent high-fat plant food. The majority of fats in chia seeds consist of omega 3 fatty acids called ALA. 

They have numerous health benefits such as lowering blood pressure and having anti inflammatory affects. They also are loaded with fiver and packed with minerals. 

5. Nuts 

Nuts are high in healthy fats and fiber. And are a great source of protein. 
Nuts are high in vitamin E as well as magnesium, a mineral that a lot of people lack in. 
Studies show that people who eat nuts tend to be healthier and have lower risks of various diseases including obesity, heart disease and type two diabetes. 

Healthy nuts include almonds, walnuts and macadamia nuts along with many others. 

Until next time 

Riadh X