Wednesday 2 November 2016

5 Morning Rituals to Set your Mind for a Positive Day

5 Morning Rituals to Set your Mind for a Positive Day

Most of us start our day off by hitting that snooze button continually until the very last minute when we realize if we don't wake now we are going to be super late. This attitude will then hang over you for the rest of the day as you drag yourself to and from all the things on your to do list for the day. But imagine having a nice morning ritual that set your mind up for a more positive day. Sounds more appealing doesn't it? 

It makes lots of sense that a good morning routine will rub off on the rest of the day doesn't it? I think about people who sip tea in the morning, do a yoga class or even gaze out the window at the scenery whilst listening to some relaxing music before work. These are always the more organized and grounded people but it's not that hard to become one. 

Here are some helpful tips to set yourself to a positive mind frame every morning so you can make the most of your day. 

1. Wake up on time or even early. 

Those extra few minutes in bed may seem like a great idea at the time but before you know it you have hit that snooze button 5 to ten times and you have 7 minutes to get ready. The horror and panic sets in as you scramble around the house looking for your purse and keys which you probably won't be able to find. When you finally make it out the door you are a stressed and sweaty mess where odd socks and havnt had time for your morning caffeine. 

Reduce your stress by not hitting that snooze button! Just get up, you'll have time to get ready properly and you will feel much better than you took the time to plan your outfit. 

2. Don't look at your phone 
Let's face it! This generation of people are addicted to our mobiles and this is mostly because of social media. Social media can be a very negative place sometimes and that's why you don't need most of what's posted online flowing through your mind first thing in the morning especially when you are trying to be more positive. 

Sure it's all not negative like pictures or your friends, funny you tube videos and beatific scenic Instagram photos. However it's also filled with horrid news, celebrity rants and most of all body degrading posts. So do yourself a favour and leave your phone down in the morning. Even buy a good one fashioned alarm clock to avoid going on snap chat first thing to catch up on everyone's stories! 

3. Meditate 
You are probably going to want to replace looking at your phone with something else in the mornings. 
A meditation routine that had you focusing on your mindfulness and breathing technique is an excellent way to start your day. This is an incredible practice that will reduce stress and set your mind up for a positive day. If you don't know how to mediate there are plenty of apps out there to teach you. So don't be afraid to try it. The mindfullness app: meditation for everyone is a great starter! 

4.Move your body 

Weather this is doing some morning stretches, running outside or taking the dog for a walk, take the time to get your body moving the the mornings. 

Streching is very beneficial to the body. Going through the motions of a yoga routine slowly wakes up the mind and warms up the body. However yoga isn't for everyone. You can find ten minute stretch routines on you tube. 

Streching can improve your posture and increase your blood flow.

A short jog in the morning is another way to clear your cluttered thoughts and set up for a positive day ahead. While running your body releases chemicals which help increase your mood. As well as that there are many benefits of running which include the strengthening of your lungs and broncoli and increasing your bone density. 
  • “Our hearts and souls are connected to our bodies and they love to be stretched, cherished, nourished and loved,” Christiansen said. 
  • 5. Eat breakfast and Hydrate 
When your on a working schedule it can be easy to grab and banana and a travel mug of tea for your morning breakfast. 
However really taking the time to eat a nutriousing breakfast will make you happier and set you on a positive mind frame first thing in the morning. 

Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so why not turn yours into a ritual? Don’t eat a piece of toast and marmalade as you hurry out the door. Why not make yourself an omelette or blueberry pancakes and sit at the table and really enjoy the meal. If you love coffee, take the time to make yourself a mug of the good stuff. Then enjoy it. 

Everyone knows the health benefits of drinking water. According to a Dr. DAvid Duizer drinking a glass of water is incredibly beneficial in the morning: “Without starting your day with adequate water intake we are likely to remain dehydrated for the rest of the day"

Whatever morning ritual you decide to do, make it a habit. Do it every day. Set up a routine. This is the key to a successful morning ritual to keep a positive mind frame and set you up for the day in all the right ways. 

Until next time

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