Monday 17 July 2017

The Impact of Blue Light on Sleeping Patterns

Blue light has a dark side. Exposure to blue light at night can be harmful to our health and sleeping patterns. 

Sun used to be our main source of lighting and our evenings were spent in relative darkness. However the invention of artificial lighting sees our evenings being illuminated and we take the access to those lumens for granted.

Artificial Light 

All artificial light can interrupt sleep patterns. The body's biological clock works in rhythms. The circadian rhythm is set by the amount of light and dark the body is exposed to. When artificial light is added to your day the body's natural rhythms become disorientated.

Light is detected to the retina. This sends signals to the hypothalamus and when it starts getting dark outside this signals to the body to start creating sleep hormones like melatonin to prepare the body for sleep. However the retina can receive light no matter what time of day it is, so the body doesn't know when to get ready to sleep if we are exposed to this artificial light.

Image result for blue light

Circadian Rhythms

Each individual has a different circadian rhthym. The average length of these rhythms is 24 and one quarter hours. People who stay up late have a slightly longer circadian rhythm, while the rhythms of early birds fall shorter of 24 hours. According to Dr. Charles Czeisler daylight keeps the body's internal clock aligned with the environment.

The Power of Blue Light 

While any light can suppress the secretion of melatonin, blue light at night does this more powerfully. According to research at Harvard blue light suppresses melatonin for twice as long and green light and it also shifts circadian rhythms twice as much.

The Health Risks

Light at night is partly the reason that so many people have disturbed sleep. Even dim light can affect those circadian rhythms and melatonin secretion. Research have link short sleep patterns to increased risk for depression and cardiovascular problems.

Many studies have linked working night shifts and exposure to light at night to cancer, diabetes, heart disease and obesity. It is not exactly sure why it is so bad for us. But we know that exposure to light suppresses the secretion of melatonin that influences the circadian rhythms, and there is some evidence that these low melatonin levels might explain the association with cancer.

Image result for blue light in bed

What can you do? 
To get better sleep the obvious solution is to stop using artificial light altogether. However that isn't possible in modern times, but there are some solutions top help.

  • Avoid looking at bright screens 2 hours before bed time 
  • Expose yourself to lots of bright natural light during the day. 
  • Use dim red lights for nightlights as this has the least power to disrupt circadian rhythm
  • If you work a night shift consider blocking glasses or installing an app that will filter the blue wavelengths at night. 
  •  Dim the brightness on your phone in the evening to prepare your body for sleep 
  • Avoid looking at your phone in bed. 
  • Read paper books before bed instead of using a kindle or phone
Bye for now

-Riadh X 

Saturday 4 March 2017

The Power of Avocados

'Why are you so obsessed with Avocados?" they all ask. "How can I not be?", is usually the response that comes to mind. Yes I am slightly in love with the fruit that has become increasingly popular over the past couple of years. Some call it a 'Superfood' and this doesn't in the slightest surprise me because it is no less than super. So why do I eat it so much you may ask. Well not only is it delicious but it has some serious health benefits.

Bananas are well known for being loaded with potassium. However a single medium sized avocado has 975 milligrams of potassium while a large banana has less than half that at 487 milligrams. Potassium enhances muscle strength, relieves anxiety and stress and helps to regulate blood pressure.

Avocados have more protein and less sugar than any other fruit. We need protein for the repair and building of our muscles and to burn fat.

Fats are not always bad, just like in the case of avocados which are packed with monounsaturated fats. These are shown to regulate your blood sugar levels and reverse insulin resistance. Avocado oils and avocados are the richest source of monounsaturated fats in the world.

Containing the fat soluble vitamins A,E and K they work together with essential minerals to impact metabolic factors. On the other hand the water soluble vitamins B and C are vitamins that are not stored in your body with means we need to get replenish them each day.

This is a something you may hear if you are pregnant or trying to conceive. Folate is a vitamin that the body needs to function properly and is especially important for woman in their reproductive years. Avocados folate will help prevent birth defects and neural tube defects.

Of course this fruit has lots of nutritional benefits but beside this they can play a huge role in keeping your skin and hair healthy. The essential oils in an avocado as well as the antioxidants and amino acids can help moisture dry skin, minimize wrinkles and repair damaged hair. Try this avocado face mask!


  • 1/2 ripe avocado
  • 1/2 ripe banana
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil 
  • 1 teaspoon of honey 
Remove the skin and seed from the avocado and mash with banana honey and olive oil. Apply the mask and leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse your face with luke warm water and feel your silky smooth skin.

  1. ON TOAST: avocado on toast is one of my favorite combos. Spread on top as a replacement for butter and topped with turkey rashers or scrambled eggs. Where can you go wrong 
  2. SMOOTHIES: this fruit is actually a berry so what better way to enhance a berry than to put it in a smoothie. There are so many yummy recipes out there that include this fruit you would be crazy not to try it. See below for one of my favs.
    1. STUFFED: remove the seed in the middle and crack an egg with spinach and cheese on top. Bake for 20 minutes and you have a perfect nutrient packed lunch.
    2. SORBET: mash and avocado, add a squeeze of lime and sugar water and freeze for a perfect sorbet. 
    3. GUACAMOLE: great on burgers or even good for dipping some taco chips into. 
    4. PASTA DISHES: dice some into your pasta dishes, add peppers and carrot and top with your favorite dressing. 
    5. OMELETTES: I never make an omelette anymore without topping it with avocado chunks. its all about those good fats. 
    6. AVOCADO PUDDING: add a mash avocado to almond milk, cocoa powder, vanilla essence and melted chocolate and chill for an amazing pudding. 


    For any of you peanut butter addict out there I have the perfect avocado smoothie that will kill your cravings. Try it for yourselves! 

    • 2 bananas 
    • 1 avocado 
    • 2 tablespoons of meridian peanut butter 
    • 200ml of almond milk 
    Blend all ingredients in a blender and simply enjoy!

    Well I hope I have converted you to at least trying to incorporate this amazing fruit into your daily routine. Believe me you won't regret it.

    Until next time.
    Riadh X 


    Monday 27 February 2017

    Ri Ri's Pancakes Three Ways

    Pancake Tuesday is soon approaching and in case it hasn't become quiet obvious just yet I LOVE PANCAKES.I always have a craving at the weekends for a beautiful stack of 'Yumminess' and often fail to find cafes or restaurants in my area that even make pancakes or in the case that they do, they just don't hit the spot for me.

    So of course I have taken it upon myself to try and perfect some recipes. I love experimenting with flavors and toppings. However I still appreciate the classics.

    Weather you are gluten intolerant or vegan, there will always be a pancake recipe that is just right for you.

    Once you have the pancake recipe down to a tee the most exciting task is creating the perfect filling. I love experimenting with nutella, berries, bananas and peanut butter of course.


    These easy flourless and sugar free pancakes are filling, fluffy and can be made in minutes for the perfect breakfast. ( recipe serves 2)

    • 2 bananas
    • 2 eggs 
    • 100g of rolled oats 
    • 100ml of almond milk 

    • In a blender add peeled bananas, eggs, oats and milk
    • Blend until mixture is smooth as you want and allow it to stand for 10 minutes 
    • Heat a non stick frying pan on a medium heat
    • Fry spoonfuls of the batter in coconut oil until golden brown on both sides 
    • Serve with your selection of toppings 


    I love blueberries, they are sweet, good for the brain and skin and are perfect to make pancakes that little bit extra special. (recipe serves 2)

    • 1 banana 
    • 1 egg 
    • 100g of rolled oats 
    • 1 pot of Glenisk blueberry protein yogurt (100g) 
    • 75g of fresh blueberries plus more for serving 

    • In a blender add peeled banana, eggs, oats and yogurt. 
    • Blend until the mixture is as smooth as you want it and allow to stand for 10 minutes 
    • Heat a non stick frying pan on a medium heat 
    • Place a spoon of the batter on the pan and place blueberries within the batter. 
    • Fry the batter on both sides until golden brown 
    • Serve with your selection of topping 

    Of course either of the above recipes can be gluten free if you substitute the rolled oats for a gluten free roll oats option. However those who would prefer a gluten free recipe that is oat free I have of course got you covered. 


    For those of you who are gluten intolerant or vegan I have you covered with this Quinoa Pancake recipe. (recipe serves 2)

    • 100ml of almond milk 
    • 50g of uncooked quinoa
    • 2 tablespoons of chia seeds 
    • 6 tablespoons of water 
    • 1 tablespoon of cinnamon 
    • 1/2 tablespoon of baking powder 
    • 1 tablespoon of honey 

    • Begin by cooking the quinoa. Add to a pot of water. 1 part quinoa to 1.25 oart water will give you the perfect texture. Simmer until the water is fully absorbed and set aside to cool.
    • Now time to prepare the chia eggs. Grind the chia seeds or you can used the milled version if you prefer. add to the water and leave for 10 minutes after mixing 
    • In a blender grind the quinoa down to a flour form. add the baking powder and cinnamon and blend. 
    • To this mixture add the almond milk and the chia mixture and mix.
    • Place a spoonful of batter on the pan and fry with coconut oil until golden brown on both sides. 
    • Serve with you choice of toppings 

    So there you have it. Three pancake recipes to try this pancake day. I like to use toppings such as berries, bananas, honey, chia seeds, quinola, glenisks protein yogurt, nutella, and of course some merdian peanut butter. However don't be afraid to experiment with your own toppings. 

    Hope you all have a HAPPY PANCAKE TUESDAY!

    Until next time.
    Riadh X 

    Sunday 15 January 2017

    25 Tiny Things to Tell your 25 Year Old Self

    1. Everyone is fighting a battle you now nothing about
    2. Your parents only want what is best for you 
    3. You are not as alone as you may think you are 
    4. You're allowed to quit a job you hate 
    5. Travel while you are young
    6. Trust your instinct 
    7. Crying doesn't make you weak
    8. You may have a quarter life crisis one of these days but I promise you will survive it
    9. Know your worth
    10. Take you own advice 
    11. Being kind goes a long way 
    12. In 5 years time you would be sad if your life was the exact same so do not be afraid of change
    13. If you mess up come clean and tell the truth
    14. Your dream career may not be the thing that you are going to do for the rest of your life 
    15. You have to work for what you want, its not going to just come to you
    16. Don't let anyone tell you that you cannot do something
    17. If you love someone, tell them 
    18. Heartbreak happens universally and despite how you feel it will not kill you.
    19. You are allowed to feel lost 
    20. Mental health is real
    21. Make mistakes and learn from them 
    22. How you see yourself is so important 
    23. Beauty shines from within 
    24. Don't take anyone for granted 
    25. Surround yourself with people who make you feel good and do not tear you down 

    Until next time
    Riadh X 

    Thursday 12 January 2017

    Chia from Protein Balls to Puddings

    So when most of you hear the Chia you think of the word Superfood Am I right? Well I for one am not am not a fan of the word. Particularly because there is a big hype along with a big price tag for something that may not be good for you or even taste the nicest. So obviously I am always a bit hesitant to jump on the band wagon when it comes to these foods so I always research them fully. 

    However Chia Seeds are something that I am fully on board with and have been for a number of years now.

    And you know what? 

    They ARE tasty little creatures. And have become a big part of my life in the last couple of years. Combined with their nutritional credentials they are actually worth while have around. 

    So I thought id share some Chia facts and recipes with you today. 

    Image result for chia seeds

    Look at the back of your chia packet and it says it all. These tiny little creatures are made up of protein, dietary fibre and fat. They also contain lots of minerals including calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorous. About a fifth of the fibre is soluble with will promote a healthy digestive systems by feeding the good microbes in your gut.


    Chia seeds come in different forms including whole chia seeds, milled chia and seed oil. My personal favorite is the whole chia as I feel like they make me feel fuller for longer. Although I do of course have great time for the Chia Bia mixes! Chia and Blueberry mix is definitely my go to but then again give me anything with blueberries and you have me sold. I've also had both black and white chia however to be honest I don't detect much difference.



    Chia seeds are high in antioxidants which helps to protect the delicate fats in the seeds. 

    Most Carbs are Fibre:

    Almost all of the carbohydrates in chia seeds are fibre. This means that they will absorb around 10 times their weight in water. Fibre feeds the friendly bacteria in your gut.

    High in Protein:

    By weight chia seeds are about 14protein, which for any plant based food is considered high. Protein is needed in the body to build and repair cells.

    Omega 3 Fatty Acids:

    Like flax seeds these little super seeds are high in Omega 3s. In fact they contain more than salmon gram for gram. However most of these are the ALA(Alpha Linolenic Acid). This needs to be converted in the human body and we are not  as good as converting this as we are for other types of fatty acids so make sure to still eat your fish.


    You may have heard of Chia Seed Puddings lately as they are all the rage. Weather its a christmas inspired spice pudding or a fruit based one they are just as tasty. Here is one of my own recipes which is my favorite, however don't be afraid to put your own spin on it.

    Raspberry and Banana Chia Pudding Recipe:

    • 1 whole ripe banana 
    • 100 grams of raspberries 
    • 3 tablespoons of chia seeds 
    • 3 tablespoons of rolled oats 
    • 250ml of almond milk 

    Note: this recipe serves 1-2 people. additional raspberries and seeds may be added to the top 

    Mash the banana and raspberries well. Put them into a jar or bowl and add the rest of the ingredients. Stir and refrigerate for a few hours or overnight.


    Protein balls have become more and more popular as everyone jumps on the healthy bandwagon. They are even more appealing when they are raw but tasty and take little time to prepare. Below is one of my recipes that are super easy to make for an on the go snack 

    Raw Protein Chia Ball Recipe:

    • 1/2 cup of almond butter
    • 2 tablespoon of coconut flakes 
    • 1 cup of rolled oats 
    • 3 tablespoons of chia seeds 
    • 1 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds 
    • 1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract 

    This recipe is as easy as throwing all the ingredients into a bowl, mixing and then rolling into 8-12 balls depending on how big or small you want them. Store in the refrigerator for up to one week.

    So whether you try some in your morning smoothie, explore a chia pudding or even sprinkle on top of your morning omelette these little gems can increase your protein intake while giving you major health benefits. 

    It is recommended that adults eat no more than 20 grams of chia per day.

    Thank you for reading.

    Until next time,

    Riadh X 

    Wednesday 4 January 2017

    Living with Anxiety

    Can you even begin to conquer those demons that live inside if you do not know anything about them? Or can you be compassionate to one of your loved ones if you think they are making a big deal over something so small?

    Understanding anxiety can be hard, especially if you are the one with the cloud over your head.
    Image result for anxiety

    For as long as I can remember I have been a worrier. I remember back in primary school in 2nd class I got myself so worked up over getting only 5 out of 10 questions right in a book that I was supposed to read. Obviously I didn't finish the book, but the worry of telling my parents for days left me in hospital with swollen glands in my stomach. It sounds so silly now but I bet the things I worry about in my day to day life at the minute will sound silly also in years to come.

    It can be hard to function normally and those who suffer probably feel at a complete loss.Lets look at some of the facts. 


    There are 7 types of anxiety disorders. These include Social anxiety disorder, Post Traumatic Stress disorder, Panic Disorder with or without Agoraphobia, Separation Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder,  Specific Phobia and Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

    Often we will find that multiple types can occur as once, along with other mental disorders such as depression. But the disorders are not uncommon and according to surveys 1 in 4 people will experience some sort of anxiety disorder in their life time. 


    Everyone is different and experiences different types of anxiety. So I cannot say or feel what each person is feeling. However I know what its like to have no power over your thoughts, mind and life. Its hard to accept compliments, or make decisions easily because your mind may over analyse. 

    Most will be well aware what you are living with and may not need to see a doctor. I was quiet aware from an early age and as I grew older trying to ward off the panic attacks is what really made a light spark. You may feel like nothing is safe and nothing is certain. 

    At different stages of life its really interesting to watch how it can evolve over your years. As the world becomes more clear and evolves around you. You may be a child with a type of anxiety that gives you night terrors or irrational fears. Or on the other hand you could be an adult who suffers from panic attacks and being in social situations. Neither is less real than the other. 

    Being stressed isn't the same as having anxiety. 

    Image result for slow down anxiety


    1.Get Busy 
    Believe me I know its easier said than done but go for a run, clean your room or even go window shopping. the simple motion of moving your body will help your mind travel with you from your deliberating thoughts. 

    2.Ask for help
    Do not be afraid to ask for help. Know which friend or family member that you can call or text at any time. Just hearing someone calming voice can really save you from that panic attack. Also consider some professional help if you think that is what you need.  

    3. Slow Down
    You have power over you mind. Slow your thoughts down and ask yourself to take them captive. Your mind is a muscle you can train so slow your motions down and flex it. 

    4.Repeat a go to phrase
    Have something that will speak the truth to you. Like a mantra. You only have to get through that moment in time on this day. 'This will not last' and 'One day at a time' would be some of my go tos. 

    5. Breathe 
    Remember to breathe. Sometimes we hold our breath for too long and we don't notice. In the case of panic attacks there are some great breathing techniques out there that work wonders. Practice your breathing skills when you feel as normal as possible so you can have them down to a T when you need them most. 

    Have you faced anxiety? What helps you get over your fear? What tips do you have to control it? 

    Feel free to share.

    Until next time. 
    Riadh X 

    Monday 21 November 2016

    Bodyfuel. The mobile food business making a difference

    Bodyfuel. The mobile food business making a difference

    I always felt living in Donegal that it lacked the food businesses for healthy, wholesome food that most other counties had jumped on board with. 

    As these have rapidly grown in Letterkenny Co. Donegal recently with places such as Wholegreens and Florence Food Co. Donegal may have just seen one of the best food business yet. 

    It was always hard to find places to eat for lunch and breakfast that would fit into my healthy lifestyle however Bodyfuel have literally nailed it on the head. 

    Daniel and Amanda Thompson seen a huge niche in the market and set out on a wholesome and healthy journey to provide nourishing food for active and health conscious people. 

    This mobile street food trailer primarily based in Stranorlar Co. Donegal focuses on bringing the customer healthy and wholesome breakfast and lunch. You can get everything from blueberry pancakes for breakfast to chilli tacos for lunch. 

    My personal favourite is the butternut squash soup. I'm normally not a soup person however this soup slipped right down my throat and into my heart. 

    What is also unique about this mobile venture is that the menus change regularly so there's nearly always something new to try. 


    One of the most appealing factors is Daniel and Amanda. With a positive attitude rain, hail or shine this couple make it ten times more appealing. Such welcoming service and a strong passion for what they do. I couldn't fault them. 

    "Exactly what you want when you are out and about. Tasty, wholesome, moreish, guilt free food. Wish you all the best with the company. Looking forward to seeing you along the Wild Atlantic Way for more of that yummy food". 
    -Ashleigh Sweeney 

    "Love what you do...Fantastic food, Fantastic brand, Fantastic people... Keep it up"
    - Darragh Tomas Mac Amhlaoibh

    "That fruit bowl was so colourful I actually lost it in the studio, thought I was going nuts? Seriously, found it on my colourful work bench and it tasted great. Felt super healthy all day! See you tomorrow to refuel " 
    -Edel Mac Bride 

    So what are you waiting for? Stop in on your way to work for a breakfast that will fuel your day. Or even stop by for a coffee. I promise you won't be disappointed. 

    Opening hours: 
    Monday:         07:00-12:00
    Tuesday:         11:00-15:00
    Wednesday:   07:00-12:00
    Thursday:       11:00-15:00
    Friday:            07:00-14:00
    Saturday and Sunday closed. 

    Main Street Stranorlar 

    Until next time.
    Riadh X