Sunday 15 January 2017

25 Tiny Things to Tell your 25 Year Old Self

  1. Everyone is fighting a battle you now nothing about
  2. Your parents only want what is best for you 
  3. You are not as alone as you may think you are 
  4. You're allowed to quit a job you hate 
  5. Travel while you are young
  6. Trust your instinct 
  7. Crying doesn't make you weak
  8. You may have a quarter life crisis one of these days but I promise you will survive it
  9. Know your worth
  10. Take you own advice 
  11. Being kind goes a long way 
  12. In 5 years time you would be sad if your life was the exact same so do not be afraid of change
  13. If you mess up come clean and tell the truth
  14. Your dream career may not be the thing that you are going to do for the rest of your life 
  15. You have to work for what you want, its not going to just come to you
  16. Don't let anyone tell you that you cannot do something
  17. If you love someone, tell them 
  18. Heartbreak happens universally and despite how you feel it will not kill you.
  19. You are allowed to feel lost 
  20. Mental health is real
  21. Make mistakes and learn from them 
  22. How you see yourself is so important 
  23. Beauty shines from within 
  24. Don't take anyone for granted 
  25. Surround yourself with people who make you feel good and do not tear you down 

Until next time
Riadh X 

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