Sunday 15 January 2017

25 Tiny Things to Tell your 25 Year Old Self

  1. Everyone is fighting a battle you now nothing about
  2. Your parents only want what is best for you 
  3. You are not as alone as you may think you are 
  4. You're allowed to quit a job you hate 
  5. Travel while you are young
  6. Trust your instinct 
  7. Crying doesn't make you weak
  8. You may have a quarter life crisis one of these days but I promise you will survive it
  9. Know your worth
  10. Take you own advice 
  11. Being kind goes a long way 
  12. In 5 years time you would be sad if your life was the exact same so do not be afraid of change
  13. If you mess up come clean and tell the truth
  14. Your dream career may not be the thing that you are going to do for the rest of your life 
  15. You have to work for what you want, its not going to just come to you
  16. Don't let anyone tell you that you cannot do something
  17. If you love someone, tell them 
  18. Heartbreak happens universally and despite how you feel it will not kill you.
  19. You are allowed to feel lost 
  20. Mental health is real
  21. Make mistakes and learn from them 
  22. How you see yourself is so important 
  23. Beauty shines from within 
  24. Don't take anyone for granted 
  25. Surround yourself with people who make you feel good and do not tear you down 

Until next time
Riadh X 

Thursday 12 January 2017

Chia from Protein Balls to Puddings

So when most of you hear the Chia you think of the word Superfood Am I right? Well I for one am not am not a fan of the word. Particularly because there is a big hype along with a big price tag for something that may not be good for you or even taste the nicest. So obviously I am always a bit hesitant to jump on the band wagon when it comes to these foods so I always research them fully. 

However Chia Seeds are something that I am fully on board with and have been for a number of years now.

And you know what? 

They ARE tasty little creatures. And have become a big part of my life in the last couple of years. Combined with their nutritional credentials they are actually worth while have around. 

So I thought id share some Chia facts and recipes with you today. 

Image result for chia seeds

Look at the back of your chia packet and it says it all. These tiny little creatures are made up of protein, dietary fibre and fat. They also contain lots of minerals including calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorous. About a fifth of the fibre is soluble with will promote a healthy digestive systems by feeding the good microbes in your gut.


Chia seeds come in different forms including whole chia seeds, milled chia and seed oil. My personal favorite is the whole chia as I feel like they make me feel fuller for longer. Although I do of course have great time for the Chia Bia mixes! Chia and Blueberry mix is definitely my go to but then again give me anything with blueberries and you have me sold. I've also had both black and white chia however to be honest I don't detect much difference.



Chia seeds are high in antioxidants which helps to protect the delicate fats in the seeds. 

Most Carbs are Fibre:

Almost all of the carbohydrates in chia seeds are fibre. This means that they will absorb around 10 times their weight in water. Fibre feeds the friendly bacteria in your gut.

High in Protein:

By weight chia seeds are about 14protein, which for any plant based food is considered high. Protein is needed in the body to build and repair cells.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids:

Like flax seeds these little super seeds are high in Omega 3s. In fact they contain more than salmon gram for gram. However most of these are the ALA(Alpha Linolenic Acid). This needs to be converted in the human body and we are not  as good as converting this as we are for other types of fatty acids so make sure to still eat your fish.


You may have heard of Chia Seed Puddings lately as they are all the rage. Weather its a christmas inspired spice pudding or a fruit based one they are just as tasty. Here is one of my own recipes which is my favorite, however don't be afraid to put your own spin on it.

Raspberry and Banana Chia Pudding Recipe:

  • 1 whole ripe banana 
  • 100 grams of raspberries 
  • 3 tablespoons of chia seeds 
  • 3 tablespoons of rolled oats 
  • 250ml of almond milk 

Note: this recipe serves 1-2 people. additional raspberries and seeds may be added to the top 

Mash the banana and raspberries well. Put them into a jar or bowl and add the rest of the ingredients. Stir and refrigerate for a few hours or overnight.


Protein balls have become more and more popular as everyone jumps on the healthy bandwagon. They are even more appealing when they are raw but tasty and take little time to prepare. Below is one of my recipes that are super easy to make for an on the go snack 

Raw Protein Chia Ball Recipe:

  • 1/2 cup of almond butter
  • 2 tablespoon of coconut flakes 
  • 1 cup of rolled oats 
  • 3 tablespoons of chia seeds 
  • 1 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds 
  • 1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract 

This recipe is as easy as throwing all the ingredients into a bowl, mixing and then rolling into 8-12 balls depending on how big or small you want them. Store in the refrigerator for up to one week.

So whether you try some in your morning smoothie, explore a chia pudding or even sprinkle on top of your morning omelette these little gems can increase your protein intake while giving you major health benefits. 

It is recommended that adults eat no more than 20 grams of chia per day.

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Riadh X 

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Living with Anxiety

Can you even begin to conquer those demons that live inside if you do not know anything about them? Or can you be compassionate to one of your loved ones if you think they are making a big deal over something so small?

Understanding anxiety can be hard, especially if you are the one with the cloud over your head.
Image result for anxiety

For as long as I can remember I have been a worrier. I remember back in primary school in 2nd class I got myself so worked up over getting only 5 out of 10 questions right in a book that I was supposed to read. Obviously I didn't finish the book, but the worry of telling my parents for days left me in hospital with swollen glands in my stomach. It sounds so silly now but I bet the things I worry about in my day to day life at the minute will sound silly also in years to come.

It can be hard to function normally and those who suffer probably feel at a complete loss.Lets look at some of the facts. 


There are 7 types of anxiety disorders. These include Social anxiety disorder, Post Traumatic Stress disorder, Panic Disorder with or without Agoraphobia, Separation Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder,  Specific Phobia and Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

Often we will find that multiple types can occur as once, along with other mental disorders such as depression. But the disorders are not uncommon and according to surveys 1 in 4 people will experience some sort of anxiety disorder in their life time. 


Everyone is different and experiences different types of anxiety. So I cannot say or feel what each person is feeling. However I know what its like to have no power over your thoughts, mind and life. Its hard to accept compliments, or make decisions easily because your mind may over analyse. 

Most will be well aware what you are living with and may not need to see a doctor. I was quiet aware from an early age and as I grew older trying to ward off the panic attacks is what really made a light spark. You may feel like nothing is safe and nothing is certain. 

At different stages of life its really interesting to watch how it can evolve over your years. As the world becomes more clear and evolves around you. You may be a child with a type of anxiety that gives you night terrors or irrational fears. Or on the other hand you could be an adult who suffers from panic attacks and being in social situations. Neither is less real than the other. 

Being stressed isn't the same as having anxiety. 

Image result for slow down anxiety


1.Get Busy 
Believe me I know its easier said than done but go for a run, clean your room or even go window shopping. the simple motion of moving your body will help your mind travel with you from your deliberating thoughts. 

2.Ask for help
Do not be afraid to ask for help. Know which friend or family member that you can call or text at any time. Just hearing someone calming voice can really save you from that panic attack. Also consider some professional help if you think that is what you need.  

3. Slow Down
You have power over you mind. Slow your thoughts down and ask yourself to take them captive. Your mind is a muscle you can train so slow your motions down and flex it. 

4.Repeat a go to phrase
Have something that will speak the truth to you. Like a mantra. You only have to get through that moment in time on this day. 'This will not last' and 'One day at a time' would be some of my go tos. 

5. Breathe 
Remember to breathe. Sometimes we hold our breath for too long and we don't notice. In the case of panic attacks there are some great breathing techniques out there that work wonders. Practice your breathing skills when you feel as normal as possible so you can have them down to a T when you need them most. 

Have you faced anxiety? What helps you get over your fear? What tips do you have to control it? 

Feel free to share.

Until next time. 
Riadh X